10+1 Real Multilingual Website Examples (How to Create Your Own)

saurav raj
10 min readApr 24, 2022


Searching for some multilingual website examples to inspire your own site and give you some ideas for how to implement multilingual functionality?

Creating a multilingual site is a great way to reach more people, improve your site’s SEO, and create a better experience for your existing multilingual audience. For that reason, you’ll find a lot of other sites that have already made the jump into the multilingual space, which is what we’ve collected for you in this post.

We’ll show you 10+ real multilingual website examples, along with details on the technology that they used to translate their sites. For the most part, we tried to pick examples that use translation technology that’s easily replicable, even if you’re not a developer.

Then, once you’ve gotten some inspiration, we’ll show you step-by-step how you can create your own multilingual website using WordPress and the free TranslatePress plugin.

10+1 Best Multilingual Website Examples

1. vizvasrj.com

This is social multilingual blogging platform currently in development phase. but there are quite good UI/UX with total of 17 different languages.

English, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Norwegian, Arabic, French, Filipino, Hindi, Bengali, Korean, Italian and Indonesian. They say that more languages are coming.

They had audio podcast in all that language,

See on Top Right Side in desktop.


This vizvasrj.com is made on Django Framework. Which is amazing by the way. Vizvasrj.com is going to be top One in all the multilingual website because, It helps people to share Ideas Across Globe.

Any One can signup in this website its very simple they made it Good, and easy because it is multilingual. Every one can use it in own native language. Saurav Raj is CEO & Founder of this website. I believe that He will change the idea of sharing ideas across globe.

For each website, we’ll include a section that details the technology that the website runs on, including the multilingual solution.

2. moodle.com

Moodle is one of the most popular open source learning management system (LMS) tools. It is used by millions of people, including major brands such as Mazda and Vodafone, as well as educational institutions and nonprofits such as the University of Cambridge and the United Nations.

Since Moodle is used all over the world, it’s no wonder that the Moodle website is available in six different languages.

Users can select their preferred language using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner (pictured above).

🏗️ How they built it?: Wordpress

ESL is an esports league, formerly known as the Electronic Sports League before becoming the acronym ESL. You organize tournaments all over the world and need a multilingual website.

An example of this can be seen at the Rio de Janeiro event in Brazil, where a website was available in English and Portuguese. Visitors can select a language using the drop-down language switcher in the top main navigation bar.

🏗️ How they built it: Wordpress

UNIS Hanoi is the Hanoi branch of the United Nations International School in Hanoi. This school is unique in that it is one of only two United Nations schools in the world.

As an international school, we must serve the multilingual community. To explain this, UNIS Hanoi offers websites in English, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese. Visitors can select their preferred language using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the website.

🏗️ How they built it: WordPress

The UNIS website uses a solution called Finalsite. It is a content management system (CMS) specially developed for schools with its own multilingual capabilities.

The Dream Glass Group is a provider of “smart glasses” that include cool windows that let you switch between transparency and privacy at the push of a button. Some bars like to use it in the bathroom as a gag.
Dream Glass Group was founded in Madrid, Spain, but has branches and customers all over the world. Its global presence requires a multilingual website. For this reason, Dream Glass Group offers websites in English, Spanish, Russian and Italian..

🏗️ How they built it: Dose’nt Matter Django is One of best.

Microsoft offers a variety of websites, most of which offer multilingual functionality through their own systems. However, this sample website is of interest to the Microsoft Researchers subsite, which uses a more repeatable WordPress-based translation approach.
This website lists all Microsoft researchers along with a search box to find a specific person. Visitors can choose between English and French using the Sticky Language Switcher in the lower right corner.

🏗️ How they built it:

On the background of the researcher, Microsoft used open-source WordPress software and a free TranslatePress plugin.

Having talked a lot about the WordPress.org open source software at this point, it makes sense to point out that the WordPress.org website is also an example of a good multilingual website in its own right.

WordPress.org uses a unique approach to direct visitors to the translated version. Instead of displaying a drop-down language switcher, it automatically displays a prompt on your homepage letting visitors know they can browse in their preferred language.

🏗️ How they built it:

The WordPress.org website clearly uses open source WordPress software. To create multilingual functionality, we use an inbuilt WordPress feature called Multisite to create a separate network site for each language.

Quickchannel is a video streaming platform based in Stockholm, Sweden, but with a global perspective. They work with businesses, educators, governments and more.

As a global brand, Quickchannel offers websites in three different languages: English, Swedish and Finnish. Visitors can select their preferred language using the menu items in the upper right corner.

🏗️ How they built it:

Guri is a health and wellness community based in Bangkok, Thailand. It is aimed at the international community and is available in English and Thai.
Visitors can select their preferred language using the language switcher in the main navigation menu and the flag icon in the site footer.

🏗️ How they built it:

Etsy is a popular online marketplace for handmade products. Due to our global presence, we offer websites in a variety of languages ​​including English, German, Spanish and French.

Etsy offers a fully localized experience: not only can users select their preferred language, but visitors can also select region and currency to view information specific to their region. You can see the location options in the screenshot above.

🏗️ How they built it:

Etsy uses its own system for its website. Unfortunately, that means you can’t just duplicate it. As an example of a broader localization strategy, I primarily want to introduce Etsy.

Retrock is a popular vintage clothing store in Budapest, Hungary. In order to bring their website to international viewers, the Retrock team offers English and Hungarian language websites.
Visitors can select their preferred language using the drop-down language switcher in the main navigation menu.

🏗️ How they built it:

How to Create Your Own Multilingual Website with WordPress and TranslatePress

If these multilingual website examples challenge you to create your own multilingual website, this is the part that gives you ideas and inspiration for getting started with a multilingual website builder.
As you can see from the example above, one of the most common ways to create a multilingual website is to use open source WordPress software. WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet, making it the most common way to build a website.
WordPress is so global that it’s easy to create multiple languages. All you need is a translation plugin.
TranslatePress is a free WordPress translation plugin that lets you create 100% multilingual websites. You can also translate images to display different images based on the visitor’s preferred language (great for full localization).
You can use the plugin to manually translate your website from scratch, or you can start translating your website automatically using Google Translate or DeepL. Whether you translate manually or use machine translation, you can manage all your translations with the visual point-and-click translation editor.

Below is a quick guide to building a multilingual website with TranslatePress. For more information, there is also a complete guide to creating a multilingual WordPress site.

Get the plugin

Or download FREE version

1. Install TranslatePress and choose a language

To get started, you need to install and activate the free TranslatePress plugin on your WordPress site. It’s available at WordPress.org, so you can install it directly from your WordPress dashboard by going to Plugins > Add New and searching for TranslatePress.
Once done, go to Settings > Translate Press and select the language you want your website to offer.
Default language — The language in which your website content is currently available.
All Languages ​​- One or more new languages ​​that translate your website content.

With the free version of TranslatePress, you can translate your website into a new language. You can buy the premium version and add the ability to use unlimited languages.

2. Configure automatic translation

If you use machine translation (completely optional), the next step is to select and configure the service you want to use.
Even if you use automatic translation, you can go back and adjust all translations manually.
To set it, go to the Machine translation tab and select the service you want. The guides for both services are:

You can also follow our full guide on automatically translating WordPress.

3. Translate content (or edit machine translation)

You can use the same visual translation editor to translate your website from scratch or edit machine translations.
To open the editor, navigate to the page you want to translate in your website interface and click on the Translate Page option in the WordPress toolbar.
You should now see a live preview of your site with the sidebar. To translate content, simply hover over the content in the live preview and click the pencil icon. This will open the translation in the sidebar for you to edit.

You can use the same point-and-click approach to translate any content on your website, including images. If you want to see a few more examples, there are plenty of guides for translating specific elements of your website.

If you only want to translate part of the page, you can also exclude certain content from the translation.

4. Configure Your Language Switcher

As we saw with the example of a multilingual website, there are many ways to use a language switcher.
TranslatePress offers several ways to use a language switcher. By default, a floating language switcher is added to the bottom right corner of the site, but you can also place it in a menu (eg many sample pages) or elsewhere on the site with a shortcode.
There are also customization options like showing and hiding the language flag.
To configure all of these options, go to Settings → TranslatePress and scroll down to the language switcher settings area.

For more details, check out our full guide to adding a WordPress language switcher.

Take inspiration from these examples of multilingual websites
In this article, I shared 10 examples of multilingual websites and showed you how to implement multilingual features on your website.
If you use popular WordPress software, you can easily create your own multilingual website with the free TranslatePress plugin.
You can translate your website into a new language with only the free version of WordPress.org. Then upgrade to the premium version to access more useful features such as:
Unlimited language support.
Multilingual SEO features have been improved, including the ability to translate SEO titles and meta descriptions.
DeepL support for machine translation.
Automatically redirect users to their preferred language.

Get the plugin

Or download FREE version

Do you still have any questions about creating a multilingual website? Let us know in the comments!

Originally published at https://translatepress.com on April 28, 2021.

